Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Pops!

Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Pops!

 You volition need:
two oz cream cheese
two oz sour cream
ane tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/3 loving cup whipped topping
iii oz newspaper cups
popsicle sticks
ane graham cracker crushed
 Mix softened cream cheese amongst sour cream,
carbohydrate together with lemon juice...
 mix until smooth.
 Then stir inwards the whipped topping
 Next add together a few sliced strawberries to iii oz newspaper cups.
 Fill amongst cream cheese mixture together with to a greater extent than strawberries.
You could fifty-fifty merely blend them together!
 Add inwards around popsicle sticks!
 Crush upwardly a graham cracker...optional
 And sprinkle around on top.
Press it downward into the cream cheese amongst your finger or dorsum of spoon.
 Freeze overnight.  Remove newspaper loving cup wrapper together with enjoy!
Because it's practically a cheese cake stuffed on a doesn't
melt fast together with is a wonderful frozen treat!
 And pretty too!

Mix softened cream cheese amongst sour cream Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Pops!
This postal service published on first

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