Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!
We had a boom making these!
You volition need:
Bottle caps
epoxy putty (we purpose JB Weld)
Steampunk scout parts
You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store...
or online here: Steampunk Collection Watch Gears And Cogs
Roll the epoxy putty until i color to activate the epoxy.
Put a ball of epoxy inwards the bottle cap...then press steampunk parts gently into the epoxy.
Fun arts and crafts for boys in addition to girls!
The half-dozen yr one-time was thrilled amongst his!
Then permit them dry out overnight.
Then only gum a magnet on the back.
They are thus cool in addition to interesting!
Perfect for hanging upward adorable artwork on the fridge!
We had a boom making these!
You volition need:
epoxy putty (we purpose JB Weld)
You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store...
or online here: Steampunk Collection Watch Gears And Cogs
Roll the epoxy putty until i color to activate the epoxy.
Put a ball of epoxy inwards the bottle cap...then press steampunk parts gently into the epoxy.
The half-dozen yr one-time was thrilled amongst his!
Then permit them dry out overnight.
Then only gum a magnet on the back.
They are thus cool in addition to interesting!
Perfect for hanging upward adorable artwork on the fridge!