Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!

 Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!
We had a boom making these!
You volition need:
Bottle caps
epoxy putty (we purpose JB Weld)


Steampunk scout parts
You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store...
or online here: Steampunk Collection Watch Gears And Cogs
Roll the epoxy putty until i color to activate the epoxy.
Put a ball of epoxy inwards the bottle cap...then press steampunk parts gently into the epoxy.
Fun arts and crafts for boys in addition to girls!
The half-dozen yr one-time was thrilled amongst his!
Then permit them dry out overnight.

Then only gum a magnet on the back.
They are thus cool in addition to interesting!
Perfect for hanging upward adorable artwork on the fridge!

Try it on these Steampunk Pendants too!
 You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!

Or this Cape/Robe clasp!
 You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!

 You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!  You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!  You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!  You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!  You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!  You tin strength out detect steampunk scout parts at whatever arts and crafts store Steampunk Bottle Cap Magnets!
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