Unicorn Cactus Bloom Planter Pots Craft/Diy

 Unicorn Cactus Flower Planters Craft/DIY

Sleepy unicorns are the cutest, don't y'all think?  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors.  Fill volition alive plants or faux cactus similar mine--more details on them at the goal of the post.  Easy to DIY inward nether an hour!  Would brand a dandy birthday political party favor for a bunch of creative piffling unicorn lovers!
 Barrel Cactus are super cool, circular together with totally spiny!  They tin grown inward clusters, similar this barrel cactus pick.  Is at that topographic point anything to a greater extent than adorable than a dandy cactus together with unicorn together?  It's perfect harmony.  The soft together with the prickly!
 Which of these cuties is your favorite?  I beloved the large one, but my most favorite is the 1 amongst the low-cal pinkish bloom on the bottom of the ladder...it's merely thus cute.

 Let's instruct started amongst this unproblematic DIY

You volition need:


White ceramic pots
Faux Cactus picks
Styrofoam balls to gibe within pots
Gold polymer clay
Black together with Pink arts and crafts paint
White, pink, green, blue, royal felt
Scissors, hot glue/gun

 Plant the Cactus

Begin past times putting a styrofoam ball inward each pot.  If your styrofoam is likewise large, smoosh it downwardly past times rolling it on the table, compressing the cells.
 Add a piffling hot mucilage to the bottom of the styrofoam ball together with stick it within the pots.
 Then position a piffling hot mucilage on the transcend of the styrofoam together with press some moss into it.  Next, stick the cactus selection into the styrofoam.

Make the Horns

Use the gilded clay together with ringlet it out until smooth.  If it feels stiff, concord inward manus to warm upwards the clay for a few minutes, together with thus ringlet again.
 Roll out a Unicorn horn virtually iii inches long.  Insert a toothpick into the bottom.
 Repeat the horn making procedure for every bit many Unicorn planters every bit y'all are making!  Bake inward the oven according to parcel directions, toothpick together with all.  Then take together with allow cool.
 You tin instruct creative together with add together swirls of clay...and spray pigment it for a real gilded metallic element finish!
While the horns are baking:

It's fourth dimension to pigment that cute sleepy face!

Use the dark arts and crafts pigment to pigment U shaped eyes amongst iii eyelashes.

Make Felt Flowers together with Leaves! 

Cut spirals of colored felt virtually iii inches wide.
 Use hot mucilage together with ringlet the spiral from the exterior arm to the center.
 Once rolled, add together mucilage to the base of operations together with press downwardly on the remaining felt.
 Creating a unproblematic together with darling rosette.
 Repeat for all the flowers y'all desire to decorate with.
 Also cutting some white ears if your planter doesn't already bring the appearance of ears (like my piffling pots do)

Hot mucilage the ears on the side of the planter.
 Insert the gilded Unicorn horn correct into the styrofoam, front end together with center.
 Hot mucilage the felt flowers onto the planter roughly the horn to await similar a crown.
 Same consider on the smaller pots.

Insert the horns into the styrofoam.
 Hot mucilage 1 piffling flower  together with leafage on the moss together with styrofoam correct side past times side to the horn.
 They are unproblematic together with cute!
  The bloom gives the planter it's color, experience costless to add together every bit many flowers every bit y'all like!  Since our cactus is fake, y'all could fifty-fifty add together them to the transcend of the cactus.
 I beloved the swirls of color inward the clay horns, they are fabulous!
 These would brand darling centerpieces for a birthday party.  Great for political party favors or crafts for the kids to make!
If y'all are into imitation plants, similar me, Check out Museum Trees.  Super realistic, amount size trees that are artificial--fun consider for parties, indoor ambiance or outdoors inward the yard.  Perfect solution to care-free greenery inward restaurants together with other businesses.  Check them out on facebook too!
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 These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY  These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY
 These adorable planters are slowly to brand together with are dandy gifts or political party favors Unicorn Cactus Flower Planter Pots Craft/DIY
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