Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake!

 My birthday is on the 23rd.
I'm going to live on 36!!!!  I know, right!!!???
I honey birthdays too I honey my birthday!
and I honey chocolate cheesecake!
 My friend Hollie gave me this recipe.
She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering!
Look at this amazing Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation cutting ornament she did for our church building group!
Follow her on instagram here
Check out her spider web log here.
So, this triple chocolate cheesecake is awesome, like, to popular off for.
Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake!
The line per unit of measurement area cooker is awesome too cooks it perfectly without cracking!
 Here's the pace past times step...recipe below.
Pulverize cookies to fine texture too add together melted butter.
 Mix too press on bottom too ½ means upward the sides of the vii inch springform pan. 
Set inwards freezer for 10 minutes.
 Mix the cream cheese for most xxx seconds inwards a nutrient processor or mixer.  
Add sugar.  
Process few seconds.  Add eggs,  one at a time,  processing afterwards each.

With concluding egg add together 1 tsp vanilla. 
Scrape downward the bowl equally you lot mix the filling inwards the nutrient processor.
  Melt chocolate inwards microwave, add together to mixture Process until completely smooth.
 Pour into prepared pan lined amongst crust.

Okay, mine is a chip chunky because I scraped the sides.  Still tastes amazing.
 Sprinkle 1 loving cup of mini chocolate chips on top.
 Add 1 loving cup H2O to Instant Pot.
Place trivet inwards pot along amongst foil sling,  then lower pan centered on sling, 
 make certain at that topographic point is plenty room to a greater extent than or less the sides of the pan for steam to rise.
If at that topographic point is whatever H2O on cake purpose newspaper towel to absorb it. 
Okay, you lot tin give the sack add together the chocolate chips when you lot receive got it out afterwards cooking,
but I did it earlier too it was perfect.
 Set line per unit of measurement area cooker for 25 minutes on high pressure. 
Turn off when done allow natural release for 10 minutes. 
Lift cake out past times sling handles.

Now the hardest inwards refrigerator for at to the lowest degree vi hours.
I know, 1 of those things you lot receive got to programme ahead for.
 But I hope you lot it is worth the wait!
Remove the leap cast too slice!
 Enjoy the rich triple chocolate delight!
Here's the recipe:

Triple Chocolate Cheesecake

1 ½ c. Crushed oreos
2-3 T. Butter melted

1lb. Cream cheese softened
½ c. Sugar
1 t. Vanilla
2 eggs
1 ½ - ii c. Chocolate melted

1 loving cup Mini chocolate chips
Check out Hollie's website for habitation decor, freebies, digital prints too more!

She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake! She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake! She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake! She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake! She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake! 
She is creative too talented too has a gift for handlettering too ipad lettering Pressure Cooker Triple Chocolate Cheesecake!
This post published on first 

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