Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!

 Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!
This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids. 
I enlisted the assist of my 14, 12, together with 8 yr erstwhile kids.
They loved making these together with were really impressed amongst the ghostly results.
 You volition take to create a shape for the ghost to live built on.
Ours turned out to live nigh sixteen inches tall...so determine what size you lot want
them to live together with abide by a jounce that fits that size.
We used erstwhile Martinelli jars.
You volition besides need:
Plaid Mod Podge Stiffy
plastic grocery bags
wire or pipecleaners
bowl for mixing
 I rolled two grocery bags together with taped the bottom similar a "cork" to gibe within the bottles.
This is the caput together with the cheesecloth wont stick to the grocery bags.
 Just plug it correct within the bottle.
Also.  In the painting demo above, that is non gilded smash polish...it's spray pigment from
a projection I was working on early.  Haha.  Let's continue.
 I used wire.  I lead maintain tons of it.
It was my moms.  She was extremely crafty but died when I was inward high school.
My dad has withal kept her hoards of supplies, then everytime I am over at his place,
I elbow grease to elevator a few things.  You know, to assist him out.
You could besides simply operate pipage cleaners or fifty-fifty aluminum foil.
I am a big advocate for simply using what you lot already lead maintain together with non using all the
"required supplies".
 Just twist some wire together with brand some phantom similar arms.
Looks featherbrained now, I know.
 Now, opened upward up your cheesecloth.  I cutting my pieces into squares.
They gibe the size of our ghosts perfectly...you tin scale downward or up, depending on the size of ghost you lot desire.
Put the cheesecloth inward a bowl together with squeeze inward some Plaid Mod Podge Stiffy.
I used a sum sixteen oz bottle for three 16" ghosts (3 layers of cheesecloth each)
I've never done it before, but the cheesecloth simply needs a calorie-free coating all over it.
Mix it upward together with spread it roughly amongst your hands.
It's non an exact science, it volition work.
 Then simply accept 1 layer of cheesecloth at a fourth dimension together with mantle it over your form.
Let the stuff pool at the base of operations then it volition stand upward on it's ain when it is dry.
 Add two to a greater extent than layers.
The final layer nosotros cutting a chip smaller to give it a layered look.
This is a fun sensory activity.  My 8 yr erstwhile does non similar his hands muddied or sticky.
This was a fighting for him...but quick plenty to brand that it gave him some
practise getting dirty, making a arts and crafts together with hurrying away to launder his hands.
 Let these scary guys dry out overnight.
 They await then spooky together with light!

 Then they are super uncomplicated to take away the bottle together with wire
together with delineate the caput shape out!
The cheesecloth is potent but withal really flexible, then removing them is a cinch!
 Now they tin stand upward up unaided together with await spooky together with terrifying!
Great ornamentation for Halloween!
These would besides live then fun hanging inward the tree or on the porch...of course,
you lot create non wishing them to larn wet...so mayhap hang them indoors!

 This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!  This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!  This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!  This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!  This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!
 This is a super fun arts and crafts to brand amongst older kids Spooky Cheesecloth Ghosts!
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