Custom Prophylactic Stamps! My Tardis!
Thursday, August 13, 2020

This is a thing!
I didn't know this was a affair until only barely!
Make your ain Rubber Stamps!!!
(if you lot don't desire to brand one, but you lot NEED one, I've got a few inward my shop)
I've used scraps of safe to brand background shapes...
but never a amount stamp!

I've wanted a TARDIS safe postage for a long time.
a long time. I'd dream nearly having one.
Well, I discovered this stuff:
Speedball, Speedy-Carve Rubber sheets!
I got it on amazon, $15 a sheet...and I barely used any!

This materials is awesome too amazing.
I mightiness convey done this projection at midnight because I was then excited.
*hence the black pictures*
It took me xl minutes.
It mightiness convey turned out amend if I wasn't soooo excited!
I had my silhouette cutting out the perfect tardis shape.
There it is!
I used roughly lite spray adhesive to stick it to the safe spell I worked.
The safe is already dirty, because commencement I tried
carbon paper...and that didn't live on at all!
Oh yeah, only call back to opposite your image!!!

Then I used a inexpensive pen too traced my lines.
See, it's NOT reversed! Luckily the Tardis is symmetrical...
then I only switched the sign on the door to the other
side when I cutting it out.
So, what did nosotros learn? Reverse it! :)

Removed the stencil too prayed.
Seriously, I arts and crafts amend when I pray!

Using an X-acto knife...or other hobby blade.
Cut that sucker.
The safe is really soft too slow to cut...and also slow to screw up...
similar if you lot "scratch" it lightly alongside the'll show.

Alas, many lines are imperfect

But at that topographic point is a for sure charm to something handmade.
And something you lot can't purchase anywhere else!

Once I thought it was "there",
I tested it out.

In blue, of course...although I don't convey the correct shade of blue!
Something else I *need*
Looked pretty good, but at that topographic point were a
few places I cleaned up.
I used roughly adhesive foam I had for stamps too stuck it on.
Frankly it didn't involve any, because the safe is then thick too soft.
But I had it...I temporarily mounted it to an acrylic block
and made a bunch of fun cards!
In a hurry, I mailed 1 off to my daddy!
Isn't that super?
I dearest it! My remove heed is whirling alongside ideas for more
Doctor Who related Rubber Stamps!
few places I cleaned up.

I used roughly adhesive foam I had for stamps too stuck it on.
Frankly it didn't involve any, because the safe is then thick too soft.
But I had it...I temporarily mounted it to an acrylic block
and made a bunch of fun cards!
In a hurry, I mailed 1 off to my daddy!
Isn't that super?
I dearest it! My remove heed is whirling alongside ideas for more
Doctor Who related Rubber Stamps!
Linking upward to THESE parties this week!