The Epic Neglect Fail Neglect Table!!!

I got this white table...the order off surface is actually bad,
so I patched it up...but I figured I would create a stencil 
or something to interruption upwardly the order off in addition to therefore you 
don't simply meet the imperfections.
 Primed it in addition to painted it gray

Cut a geometric stencil out of approximately plastic...
 sponged on approximately paint...
peeled the stencil to meet this crap!
 Wiped it off in addition to started over...must live the stencil.
So I taped off a variety of geometric chevron pattern...
with scotch bluish (it's supposed to live awesome, right?)
 Got it painted...
 and peeled it off to meet this crap!
Then I decided to drive a unlike approach!
3rd times a charm right?
I ran to the shop in addition to grabbed a 1000000 pigment flake cards...
had to become dorsum a minute time, cuz a million
wasn't plenty apparently!
 I used modern podge in addition to glued downward a ton of circles!
 there was ane simply slightly earlier it dried 
completely I tried to take it...and flip!
The entire surface removed!  Ahhh!
Totally peeled up...completely inwards ane piece!
 I am left amongst this crap!
So I took it outside...resprayed it gray.
and it sits, gathering dust...
until inspiration hits again!

Ideas anyone?
Cut a geometric stencil out of approximately plastic The Epic Fail Fail Fail Table!!!

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